me when i mario
me when i mario
Γt a me maro
i love this
Thank you so much!
i couldve sworn the candidates looked like this
A little...
woah thats really scary
im taking a spooky dookie rn omg
looks great!
Thanks, glad you like it!
what software did you use to make the primid? great art btw!
Thanks! I used GIMP.
THIS IS SO CUTE JISWNIOdenwiniofcnkewjniwjqm
You are so good!
Aww thank you so much! >^< Cuuuute cat!
Pim really loves helping kids.
Sure does! Some may say he even LOVES them.
You look lonely..
Wait til he uses his "Downtown Dunkeroni three cheese bronco dick surprise Wondermin's hellshot for outer space, you bitch!" move. That's his special attack.
And then there's his second special attack, the "Peter Burrito's Cincinnati Slambo Shot", which can launch you into orbit all the way from Bumfuck, New Mexico!
Just a cool guy doing cool stuff because I'm cool.
Joined on 9/13/24